Sunday, November 14, 2010
A book for the future

Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
This painting painted by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec was painted to show love and affection. Also the purpose of this painting was to show intimacy. The audience of this painting would be middle aged people of any gender. The genre is a painting. The meaning and words are spoken through the image. This painting is of two people who love each other and are expressing their love through touch. The media and design of this painting and blog are an image to show what I am talking about and a written response.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Halloween is a fun time of the year. It is fun because it gives you an excuse to dress up as anything and no one can judge you. My likes on Halloween are dressing up, getting candy, going on haunted trails and seeing all the little kids in their cute little costumes. My dislikes on Halloween are scary masks, and people having the excuse to scare you. Even though I love going on haunted trails and getting scared I sometimes get too scared and chicken out on going on the haunted trail. When I was a little kid I would go trick or treating but I would sometimes get too scared of the older kids trick or treating with masks on and would not go outside. One Halloween I went to Fearfest at Kings island and went on haunted trails and got to ride roller coasters and it was a blast! I had so much fun. I think Halloween is a fun time of the year.
What to change at WSU
Wright State University is a great college, but there are a few things that I would change at the University. The things that I would change would be the parking lots. I would make them bigger and have more parking spots so it would not be as hard to find a spot if you have classes at a later time. As of right now at WSU you have to drive around forever to wait for someone to leave to get their parking spot and that is a hassle.
Another thing that I would change at the University is to give it a legit football team. Not just a club football team. In high school I loved cheering at my schools football games and I extremely miss it. I always could not wait to go to college and be able to get ready for the big games and be a part of all the fans in the huge stadiums. It always looked so much fun!
One last thing that I would change at the University is the requirements to make the cheerleading squad. I do not know how to tumble because at my high school we were not required to know how to therefore I never learned. Now that I am old enough to know what would happen to me if I fell while tumbling I am too scared to learn. If the requirements changed for cheerleading then I would try out and hopefully make the squad. And if the gave the University a legit football team I would want to make the squad for the football cheer squad because I really miss cheering.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
When I complete my first draft I think that it is well written but it needs some work. After I make my revisions on my paper I feel like it has improved so much. I like the drafting process. I think that it helps me write a great paper. After getting comments from my peers and my teachers it helps me see what i have missed and what I can make better. The drafting process and getting revisions from other people is making a difference in my papers. The process is making my papers improve so much. I am not having any problems with the revision process I believe it helps. My teachers comments on my papers are clear and help me understand what I have done wrong in my paper.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
agree or disagree
I agree with that statement. I agree with that because if there was not any TV to watch children would not be in the house all the time watching television or playing video games. Kids would be outside more and exerting more energy then they do now. Also if we unplugged all the TV sets in America then there would be no distractions for the children from doing their homework and studying. They would put more time and effort into their school work because there would be less distractions. When I was in elementary school there would be this contest and all the kids in the school would have to unplug their TVs for a week. Once I turned my TV off for a week i played outside more with my friends, was not always laying around, and I put more effort into my homework. This happened with all the kids that participated in the contest. So I do agree that if we unplug all the televisions in America that children would go outside and play more, be healthier, and more educated.
Friday, October 1, 2010
power of advertisement
I feel that advertisement is very powerful. When ads have famous people in them such as singers, actors, actresses, and athletes people are drawn to that product because since the famous person uses it they want to also. Also when ads target a certain gender, race, or age group they grab their attention by using stuff that interests them. For women the advertise pretty and fit women to sell products and for women to want to lose weight. Products can definitely get sold by the way they advertise the product. They have to get things that will grab peoples attention and that with interest the age group, race, or gender they are targeting.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
why I am at WSU
I chose Wright State University because I want to major in nursing. Wright State has a great nursing school. Also Wright State is close to home. I am really close to my family and I was scared to leave home. Going to Wright State I get to live at home still. Saving money is a big deal in my family and since I get to live at home I am saving a bunch of money. My sister is also a student at WSU so it makes it much easier for me to adapt to a new school while having my sister there. I have many jobs that I do during the school year such as coaching cheerleading, working at the community center, and baby-sitting and I would not be able to do these things if I did not go to a college where I could live at home. So far I am really enjoying myself at Wright State and commuting is working out and I am adapting to the change very well.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Forever Young
The well known song Forever Young produced by hip-hop artist Jay-z is a memorable song for me. Forever young is memorable because my whole senior year our quote was "Forever Young." My senior class was extremely close and always got along. Everyone was devastated to go off to college and leave each other and high school. We all wanted to stay "Forever Young."This song definitely brings back memories, because during my high school graduation while we processed out we walked out to Forever Young. Every time I hear the song on my ipod, a random Cd in my car, or the radio it makes me sad and want to cry. This song will always remind me of my senior year and bring back many great memories.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I have been a cheerleader all my life. But now since i have begun college i have had to stop cheerleading. This is because i can not tumble and wright state requires tumbling and stunting for the cheer squad. I love to dance and cheer, so i was very upset when i was finished with my last season. I decided since i could not cheer at wright state that that was not going to stop me. So I am now helping out the Jv cheer squad at my high school. I get to make up their cheer and chant. I also get to make up their dance which I love doing and put their music together. Every Tuesday and Thursday I go to my high school and at 3:15 for practice which ends at 5:00. While at practice I teach them the dance i made up and also the cheer and chant. I also help them with chants that they do wrong and I perfect everything they do. I condition and do jumps and kicks with them. Every Saturday I go to their football games at 10:00 whether they are home or away. I really enjoy coaching the Jv cheer squad. I have been told that they all look up to me and are very happy that I am their coach and make up their dances, chants, and cheers and when I heard that it made my day!
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